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Hi there, just not to keep you waiting, the winner of the auction actually paid, ok =/ thank you very much for your interest <3
I think I understand what happened, if the winner of the auction does not honor the amount won, I will contact you and sell it to you on the side, ok?
Hi there, sorry about that... I never imagined that a feature of the site itself could disturb... Maybe the other person already set a high bid and continues to block you, could you tell me what was your last bid?
New auction: Morg, the Pirate Witch - Adoptable ~*
https://twitter.com/ParadiseSkelet1/status/1480158316479270913 BEWARE POST please share if you can!this person scammed by friend.
https://twitter.com/ParadiseSkelet1/status/1480158316479270913 BEWARE POST please share if you can!this person scammed my friend
Another fake bidder,please be careful im gonna re-post houndoom again soon